
When it comes to any buy/sell investment, you always have to consider the amount of time it takes to operate and manage. I’ll hear from or about people who search for and buy real estate, renovate it, and flip for a profit. That’s all well and good, but how much time did they put into the process?

Time, Money, Domains, Life

“Hourly wages” come with a sense of a low-paying, non-salaried frame of earning, but at the end of the day, it’s all that matters. Time is indeed money, and to only focus on the profit regardless of the time taken to earn it is to fall into a trap of a life with a single value orientation. Life oriented only towards money is wasteful of the gift of conscious existence.

So, in domaining, pay strict attention to the time it takes to acquire and manage your domains, and factor that into your buy-sell value assessment. This assessment is complicated when the goal is passive income, but complicated does not mean impossible.

A domain “flip” can be worth the time put in and so can the case be in real estate, but do pay attention and make sure. Domains “paying their own rent” means compensating you for your time in managing them, too.


As you creatively search for domain, whether registered or not, you have to maintain a meta awareness of the methods you’re using, and see if there’s room for improved efficiency. Method improvement produces a potentially highly scalable benefit, and this means reducing your overall time cost and ultimately improving your profit per time.

The clearest example is probably bulk domain searches. If you have a list of domains to check for availability, especially if you plan to search lists on a regular basis, then you wouldn’t be smart to search them one at a time, and you would be wise to pick a tool or registrar that can best accommodate bulk domain searching.

That’s one example, but keep this awareness and you’ll find more, whether they’re keyboard shortcuts, managing your screen space better, or outsourcing part of the process.